Museveni Donates 31 Heifers In Mukono And Promises To Add More.

 Museveni donates 31 calvies to the single parish in Mukono and promises to add more cows, goats, and pigs.President Yoweri Museveni has contributed 31calvies  to homes in Wankoba parish in Nakisunga sub-county, Mukono District

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The calvies are part of the strategic interventions in the Office of the President aimed at eradicating poverty in the poorest regions in Uganda through the Presidential Initiative Against femine  and poverty program.On Saturday, June 10, Mukono district’s deputy RDC Mike Ssegawa in the firm of Mubarak Sekikubo, Nakisunga sub-county LC3 chairman, held the handover of the clavies to the keen beneficiaries who had over practiced the exercise in the management of the crossbred animals.Mr. Ssegawa posted on Twitter after the event:@MikeSsegawa: On behalf of President @KagutaMuseveni I handed over 14 calvies to residents of Wankoba parish Nakisunga sub-county under the Presidential Poverty Alleviation Department. Thank u chairman Nakisunga Mubarak Sekikubo & Madam Joan Kakwenzire for rallying for these projects 2 our people.   
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Mr. Museveni through the head of the Poverty Alleviation Department under the State House, Mrs. Joan Kakwenzire, marked out Wankoba and other parishes as areas in need of strategic actions to transform the livelihoods of the people in those Parishes. Wankoba is one of the eight parishes making up the Nakisunga sub-county, it is also the biggest parish in the sub-county having 11 villages.In February this year, Mr. Museveni sent 17 calvies which were allocated in three villages to well-trained beneficiaries. This time round, another round of 14 in-clavies were given over to excited farmers at the event which took place at Mwanyanjiri Playground, which Deputy RDC Mike Ssegawa witnessed.       
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The LC3 chairman appreciated President Museveni for the special attention which has motivated the livelihoods of the people of Wankoba, a parish that he says has always voted for President Museveni and the National Resistance Movement overwhelmingly over the years.“Wankoba parish has 11 villages and is the biggest parish in the sub-county, which votes President Museveni and National Resistance Army in high numbers.He added that formerly residents in this parish could not afford two meals a day. However, through ability growth programs under State House’s PAD, coupled with other agendas such as the Parish Development Model and Emyooga, the fortunes of this parish are seeing a positive trend towards  poverty eradication.
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Sekikubo said the next steps involves the formation of SACCOs where members benefiting from this project will save as they wait for more support from this program. Mike Ssegawa warned residents against idleness, he asked them rather build on the momentum Madam Kakwenzire has set in their mindset  to create wealth in their families and villages to fight poverty their families for good. He warned them against the allures of selling the animals and rather labored with local and district safety leadership to protect their animals from thefts.Ms Nuru Nakubulwa, the deputy agricultural officer working in SPA Kakwenzire’s department, said their program has five key pillars targeting the families including sanitation and hygiene, food production, household incomes, value addition, and Savings and Credit societies. She said farmers in the villages who asked for hybrid goats and pigs as well as banana, potato, and cassava seeds, will be catered for soon.    
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Ms. Nakubulwa worned the beneficiaries against selling or neglecting the calvies since that move would attract criminal charges against them.
Deputy RDC Mike Ssegawa said President Museveni has consistently shown interest in the prosperity of the common person, and Mukono residents should take the lead in ensuring this project succeeds to impact positively on the entire parish.
“Take care of these heifers as you do for your babies or yourself. This animal can change your life because its milk and other by-products including cow dung are wealth multipliers.” Ssegawa said.

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