United States Officials Prepares Washington Reply TowardsThe Uganda's Anti_Homosexuality Bill

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The leader who heads the embassy political office , which is in charge of the initiative  which entails identifying more Ugandan officials to  Penelise over the legislation .

The United States of America Embassy in Kampala is preparing Washington's response to Uganda's Anti_homosexuality law including identifying United States of America's programs in Uganda to be subjected from U.S aid.

The heads of the Embassy's political office Kate Olson who is in charge of the initiative which is still identifying more Ugandan Officials  for them to be cut off .

The Anti_homosexuality act 2023 legalized punishments like death and life imprisioment for different types of homosexual practices .

The Ugandan Anti _homosexual law has been condemned by many international organisations , Local , international non governmental organizations and Western countries, stating that it violates human rights .

Ugandan Officials says that the Anti_homosexual law was aiming at protecting cultural values and African traditional marriage .

The United States of American government recently canceled the Visa of Anita Amongi who is the Uganda's Speaker of Parliament over the signed Anti_homosexuality law.

Washington threatened to evaluate additional acts like use other tools at our disposal to promote  accountability of Ugandan Officials and other individuals responsible for conflicts in undermining the Democratic process in Uganda by abusing human rights including those of LGBTQ persons or engaging into corrupt practices.

One of the top civil society leaders told chimp Reports that some his colleagues the they had approached Oison's office to be spare from aid cuts as it would lead to closure of several organization which employ thousands of people .

The United States of American Embassy urged about it's Nationals to reconsider visiting Uganda over the Anti_homosexuality law and terror threats .

The world Bank says that the law may affect foreign Direct investment .

President of Uganda (Yowerri Museveni) defended his signing of the Anti_homosexuality Bill into law .

He told all Ugandans to stay calm as no amount of intimidation or actions will harm Ugandan people .

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