Makerere University Students Denounce Vehicle Robbery

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Understudies have communicated uneasiness over the wild vehicle defacing by obscure individuals inside the Makerere University premises.

Mr Abasi Banya, the understudies' society security serve, let this distribution know that few cases, particularly from the School of Wellbeing Sciences, have been enlisted during this occasion.

"Many cases have been enlisted from the School of Wellbeing Sciences leaving and generally during the day where vehicle proprietors discover a portion of their vehicle parts, for example, side mirrors, markers and a few plastic embellishments eliminated," Mr Banya said in a meeting with this distribution last week.

He added: "Numerous casualties never psyche to follow up or try and register a portion of these cases to local police. Indeed, even the not many that report, not a lot is done other than recording and offering expressions."

Mr Robert Maseruka, the society president, is one of the casualties whose side mirrors were culled off by criminals when he left his vehicle outside one of the lobbies of home.

"I just stopped here at Nkrumah [Hall] and went inside for approximately five minutes. I returned and I found that the vehicle had no mirrors," Mr Masereka said on his web-based entertainment stage a week ago.

Mr Maseruka added that the majority of the dark spots are at the lobbies of home, particularly when understudies are not nearby.

As the college is set to open its entryways for its next scholastic year on August 19, Mr Banya has requested that the college the board introduce more observation cameras to guarantee the security of both the understudies' and staff property.

"While certain spots have cameras, many don't. Thus, further developing the observation framework to arrive at other significant regions, for example, parking spots won't just keep a few cases from occurring yet additionally help in record and reference purposes," Mr Banya said.

Be that as it may, Mr Maseruka said: "The arrangements were cameras yet I think they have not worked to the absolute best. We have additionally had police watch in the college yet there are a few irregularities in the work."

Mr Samson Omara, the Makerere University security official, said there are secluded episodes and the police have been dealing with them.

"In the new past, we have gotten two instances of breaking into vehicles and we have captured certain individuals. One was got past our (night) police watches," he said.

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