See Buganda's King Celebrating His 30 years Of Coronation

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A number of Ugandans on 31 July thronged the palace grounds of Buganda's largest Kingdom known as Buganda, withstanding rain while dancing and screaming to make 30 years since the coronation of King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi ll.

Buganda's King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi ll was Dressed in a traditional attire with his men wearing white tunic called"Kanzu"and women were wearing "bitenge" dresses.

The revellerds prayed for the 68 year old moarch whose ancestors ruled aregion that includes Uganda's modern day in Kampala City.

Theroyalsound of Buganda"drum"reverbrated the king who was wearing the Customary ceremonial attire of a leopad skin and a cloth made out of tree bark,King waved to the crowd while a supporter was carrying him on his shoulders.

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Charles Peter Mayiga said that it was a Joyous moment and a constitutional monarchy with in Uganda.

Shop attendant Annet Nakafeero brought her four year old daughter to the festival and she said that they came to celebrate the coronation and to pray for the King so that he continues to lead his Kingdom.

During the cerebration of coronation, school children performed a number of songs at the hilltop palace in Kampala as officals from the Kingdom and the central government were watching.

Ronald Muwenda Mutebi ll who is the King of Buganda occupies a large ceremonial role, however he previously had run in with the government of President Yoweri Museveni who has ruled over Uganda with an iron fist.

In the year 2009,the government authorities closed the Buganda run radio station"CBS"for the period of one year accusing it's Broadcasters of "hatred" after people loyal to monarch started rioting in Kampala over  government's decision to restrict his movements with in Buganda Kingdom.

During the anti riot operation which was conducted by security services,27 people died.

The Bush war which brought Yoweri Museveni into power in the year 1989, was successful large due to Buganda's support.

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