5 Signs That Tell If A Man Is Into You

Here are five signs that may indicate if a man is into you:

He pays attention to you: If he remembers details about your life, interests, and preferences, and actively listens when you talk, it could mean he's genuinely interested in you.

He makes an effort to spend time with you: Whether it's initiating plans or rearranging his schedule to see you, consistent effort to spend time together is a good sign of his interest.

Physical cues: Body language can speak volumes. If he leans in when talking to you, maintains eye contact, or finds reasons to touch you (like a light touch on the arm), it could signal attraction.

He communicates regularly: Regular texts, calls, or messages, especially if he initiates them, show that you're on his mind and he wants to keep in touch.

He shows genuine concern: If he asks about your well-being, remembers important dates, or offers support during tough times, it suggests he cares about you beyond surface level interactions.

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