Kabaka Illness! M7 Calls a Meeting of the Heads of the Buganda Kingdom Clan

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is supposed to meet Buganda Realm tribe heads this end of the week as per profoundly positioned sources in the Realm group gathering.

The gathering is supposed to happen at Entebbe State House and a segment of the family heads who have been chosen to go to have been taken to a confidential office to step through Coronavirus examinations.

One of the faction heads uncovered that Joyce Nabbosa Ssebugwawo, the State Priest Accountable for Data, Correspondence and Innovation has been organizing the said gathering.

"We are not amazed in light of the fact that we have been sitting tight for this gathering. Recall when we meet the president in 2023, and he satisfied his commitment by purchasing for us a land. He anyway got exceptionally occupied yet vowed to call us for an extremely extensive gathering with us to examine a few issues concerning Buganda particularly ashore, battling neediness among our grandkids, culture and our situation in Buganda on the grounds that the right now Realm organization has been subverting us," a family head said.

He added that the President has brought them when they were searching for cash to make a trip to Namibia to meet their faction heads chamber director and furthermore the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II.

Buganda Realm head Charles Peter Mayiga affirmed that Kabaka Mutebi is in Namibia resting heeding the guidance from his PCPs in Europe.

Nonetheless, there are claims that Kabaka is in Namibia getting drug.

"We need the president's direction since we realize his knowledge has advised him on all that the Kabaka is going through. He is the person who is covering his hospital expenses, so we likewise need to have a conversation with him on the way forward," a tribe head said.

He revealed that they need to know reality with regards to the Kabaka's life since certain claims that Kabaka is at present are being concealed in one of his royal residences in Buganda taking drugs.

Starting around 2019, the Kabaka has been in and out of clinic locally and globally.

The tribe head additionally noticed that they will likewise examine with the President how they will foster their territory at Mengo inverse the Realm central command which he purchased for them since they as of now have an arrangement to set up a colossal business building.

He conceded that not all faction heads won't meet the president since they are terrified that Mayiga will battle them.

At the point when Museveni met faction heads in 2023, Mayiga was extremely severe.

Mayiga cautioned them that it was off-base for them to meet the President without his consent or that of the Kabaka.

The gathering will happen around the same time the finals of the Buganda Realm football faction competition will be played at Walukulugu arena.

This implies a part of the family heads won't go to including the Kabaka.

On a few events, tribe heads have been whining that Mayiga has been denying them the valuable chance to meet Kabaka.

They even took steps to reprimand their committee speaker Omuttaka Ssalongo Augustine Mutumba for being sleeping with Mayiga and subverting them.

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