Kabaka "to be transferred" as calls from Uganda flood a hospital in Namibia

Buganda Realm is supposedly making courses of action to move Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi from Namibia where he is seeking treatment, to one more wellbeing office in another country.

Since April this year, the lord has been seeking treatment at the Okonguarri Psychotherapeutic Center in Namibia's northwestern area of Kunene.

The Realm, in any case, is currently worried that the ruler has not had the option to appreciate experience harmony of brain since his area was made public last month.

The office has supposedly been besieged with calls from Ugandans who need to be aware of the strength of the Ruler.

Last month, the Namibian government had to uncover the wellbeing office where the Kabaka was seeking treatment.

This was after a gathering of Buganda traditionalists raged the Namibian Consulate in Germany with a request asking about the wellbeing and security of the Lord.

HE Martin Andjaba, the Namibian Representative in Berlin accordingly, excused reports that the lord had been "confined," adding that the people who wished to visit him would be permitted assuming they met the fundamental necessities.

Sources from the Realm uncovered last end of the week that from that point forward, the Kabaka has not had the option to partake in any security as the wellbeing office continued to get calls from Uganda.

In that capacity, the choice has allegedly been made to move him to another nation where he can seek peaceful treatment.

"The Kabaka needs more protection as he recuperates. He is OK yet needs to have a decent rest," one source from the realm organization was cited by media.

"For that reason they will move him [away from Okonguarri]."

It is said that the Lord may be moved before the current week's over.

It is likewise detailed that a gathering of family pioneers was planned to visit him this approaching week however we have been informed that the visit has been halted.

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