Breaking News ! !😭Few Days After The Arrival of Fallen UPDF Fighters From Somalia, Realities Are Emerging

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The UPDF lost 54 forces under ATMIS when Al Shabaab assaulted their forward working ground in Somalia last month. The assault was the deadliest and was to some extent blamed for an absence of insight and the request for the soldiers under strike to pull out carelessly to another UPDF base nine kilometers away, leaving expensive instruments including two t-55 tanks, 14.5mm enemy of airplane firearms, and 107mm katyusha rocket launchers. The camp commandant Lt. Col. Nyororo was killed. Two majors who supposedly provided the withdrawal request have since been held up. They could have to deal with penalties of hesitancy in the court military under segment 29 of the UPDF Act which says an individual subject to military regulation who shows weakness in real life, including taking off or provoking others to take off from the foe whenever sentenced for the offense of weakness endures passing or life detainment.

Sources pronounced the previous evening that when Al Shabaab assumed control over the camp and sat tight there for quite a long time after the UPDF's unexpected takeoff, they ordered the greater part of the dead UPDF fighters' bodies, cut them into pieces in an unusual custom, and consumed them. It is expressed a large portion of the bodies were scorched to soot and just remains were accumulated and gotten back to Uganda. A source expressed the majority of Col. Nyororo's body was additionally annihilated and just his head could be distinguished.

"Most coffins contained practically sand got after DNA tests on waste gathered from where the bodies were singed. Some DNA tests of the dead fighters aren't coordinating with those of their family members so more tests must be finished before entombments can begin," the source added.

UPDF originally sent in Somalia in 2007 under AMISOM which was under an UN request. The mission is currently under the Africa Association (ATMIS) and Uganda is the greatest troop benefactor.

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